NEO Academy Logo

Hair Structure 头发结构

A course by Neo Team, Educators
  • 85.714285714286% (7 people rated)
  • 25 bought
  • 8 Topics (73 total minutes)
  • Audio: CN
  • Subtitles: EN
  • Level: Fundamentals
  • Lifetime access
  • Updated at 25 May, 2021

The ultimate basics that every hair dresser should know. It is the basis for understanding how any product or chemicals in the salon will affect the hair, allowing you to have a more accurate expectation of any product effect on the hair. This course will give you a comprehensive understanding of the hair structure broken down into 7 different topics for a simple yet comprehensive understanding of the hair.

What you will learn 您将学到 :

1. Layers of the hair 头发的层次
2. Hair Components 头发的成分
3. Bonds 键
4. Melanin 麦拉宁
5. Hair Condition 头发的状态
6. Hair Type 头发的种类

Introduction 课程介绍
• Introduction and importance of hair structure 头发结构介绍和重要性 • Hair layers, components, bonds, melanin and different types of hair 头发层,成分,键,天然色素 和不同类型的头发 • How and why hair reacts to chemicals and tools 头发对不同化学物质的反应和原理 • Facts and myths about hair 关于头发的谜团谣言与正解答案
2 mins
Layers of the Hair 头发的层次
• 3 important layers in our hair 头发3个重要层 • Characteristics of Cuticle, Cortex and Medulla 角质层,皮质和髓质层特征 • How the insides of the hair affect what we see on the outside 头发如何从内而外发生变化 • Easiest way for hairdressers to understand the hair 美发师了解头发最简单方法
13 mins
Hair Components 头发成分
• What is Keratin and why it is important 什么是角蛋白,为什么它非常重要 • Percentage of key components inside the hair 头发内部关键成分的百分比 • Understanding each component and how it affects the hair 了解每种成分及其对头发的影响 • Hair pH level 头发的酸碱性值
7 mins
Bonds 键
• Importance of bonds in the hair 链键在头发的重要性 • 4 different types of bonds 4 种不同类型的链键 • How heat affects bonds 热能如何影响链键 • Blow dry vs. Straightening 吹干与拉直 • Cold Perm vs. Hot Perm 冷烫与热烫
22 mins
Melanin 麦拉宁
• What is melanin 什么是天然色素 • Types of melanin 天然色素的类型 • Importance of melanin 天然色素的重要性 • Eumelanin vs Pheomelanin 黑棕色素VS红黄色素 • Function of Melanocytes 天然色素细胞的功能
10 mins
Hair Condition 头发的状态
• Different types of hair condition 不同类型的头发状况 • Hair porosity 头发孔隙率
7 mins
Hair Type 头发种类
• Hair of different types and sizes 不同类型和规模的头发 • Curls differentiation 卷发分化 • Visual of hair follicles on different hair types 视觉上不同类型的头发毛囊
12 mins
Hair Structure Recap 复习
• Recap and summary 复习和总结
2 mins
CERES Hair Studio

Neo Team

Passionate and dedicated to their work, the Neo Team comprises of a group of individuals that have come together through their love for education and hair. With years and some even decades  of experience in the industry conducting seminars and workshops, they have learnt so much and have developed one common goal – to give back to the community.  Continuously refining their skills and expanding their knowledge, the team is always learning and aspires to educate fellow hairstylists in the community to grow and raise their own standards.
工作热情和投入精神,NEO团队是因他们对教育和美发的热忱联系在一起所组成的。他们都有多年甚至几十年的行业经验在举办研讨会和讲习班,学会了许多知识,并同时制定了一个共同目标--回馈社会。 他们不断提高自己的技能和扩展知识,这团队一直在学习,并渴望通过教育和发型师一同成长并提高自己的标准。

The individual profiles of our team can be found on our "Artists" page.
团队成员的个人简介可以在我们的 "Artists "页面里搜索。
Stanley Tan
18 October, 2021

Thanks so much!!!😊 You have what I need... Excellent, ☺️

05 July, 2021

Awesome !!!!

Others also bought

RM 49.00
  • 85.714285714286% (7 people rated)
  • 25 bought
  • 8 Topics (73 total minutes)
  • Audio: CN
  • Subtitles: EN
  • Level: Fundamentals
  • Full lifetime access
  • Updated at 25 May, 2021
RM 49.00